Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Very Greedy Birds
Wrasse Fish and Bass
Clownfish and Sea Anemone
Swimming with the Sharks and Catching a Free Ride (and Free Lunch, too)
The Darwin Moth and the Star Orchid
Darwin long noticed that flowers were matched with living creatures that pollinated them. In Madagascar he noticed star orchids with very long passages to their nectar, about 30 cm in length. Darwin asserted that there must be a giant moth with a proboscis – sort of like a drinking straw— long enough to reach the nectar. People laughed at him for saying this, but 41 years after his death, the moth that pollinates the star orchid was discovered. It has a super-long proboscis, just as Darwin predicted. Darwin was right, as usual.
How Can a Turtle Clean its Back?
African Cuckoo Catfish Mommies are Very Naughty
When the Female cuckoo catfish of Africa is ready to have babies, it finds another mommy fish to take care of them! As a female cichlid fish releases her eggs, the African catfish will release eggs at the same time and mix them up with the cichlid's eggs. The cochlid scoops all the eggs up including the catfish's and raises them all. And the sneaky mommy catfish just goes off and plays while the cichlid fish does all the work of making babies!
The Honey Guide Bird and the Badger
Many Cultures Have Seen Bats' Great Value
In Chinese culture, bats are seen as good luck. Part of the Chinese the word for bat, bianfu--"Fu"--sounds the same as a word that means "Good luck".
The natives of the Fijian island of Matangi believe that a bat hero called Toba Fu showed them how to make fire and knowledge vital for their survival.
In a legend of the Toba people in northern Argentina, their very first leader was a bat who taught them everything they needed to know.
Are the recurrences of "Toba" and "Fu" sounds in reference to bats, or people who revere bats, an amazing coincidence or what? There have been some theories of Fijians of ancient times landing on the shores of South America in boats.
[According to what seems to be modern myth overwhelmingly discarded by scholars, Chinese Explorer Zheng He explored the shores of the world, including Fiji and the Americas, in "junks" -- huge Chinese ships -- before the ominous and sinister arrival of bloody and murderous thief Christopher Columbus to the Americas.]
The Native American Hopi people see bats as protectors. In one legend, the bat is a hero who rescues a girl is being attacked by a violent man.
In Mexio, Tzotzil Maya people in the province of Chiapas hold a high esteem for bats. Zotzil means "bat people". Zinacantan, their traditional capital city, means "place of the bat". They recognize bats as protectors of Earth's creatures and plants.